Thursday, November 18, 2010

She is here!

So last Thursday (1 week ago today ) I woke up a little after 3 in the morning.  I was having pains and was fairly annoyed with them.  By 3:57 I thought I should start timing them just in case.  They were coming every 10 minutes.  I have had pains a lot during this pregnancy so I figured it was no big deal and since they were 10 minutes apart I tried my best to not get excited about them.  After a little while they actually became less regular and I figured I had been right to not get excited.  They started back again and I started timing again, still about 10 minutes apart.  By this time it was about 6 in the morning.  I went to the restroom and noticed that I had a little bit of pink on the toilet paper.  This made me get excited!  I then went and woke Chris up (he had slept through everything up to this point) and then called the doctor on call.  He said I should go to labor and delivery and get checked out.  This was easier said then done.  I did not know if they were going to keep me or not, but I wasn't going to take the chance of going in not ready to stay.  I took a shower, as did Chris, made arrangements for Gray, and finished the last minute packing of our bags.  We then headed to the hospital only to realize my gas light was on.  After putting just enough gas in the tank to make sure we didn't have to worry about walking to the hospital we head out again.  By this time morning traffic was at its peak.  I was beginning to think I would never get to the hospital!  I went into the emergency room (that is our hospital's policy) and got checked in.  This didn't take all that long and while we were waiting on them to bring down a wheel chair the contractions got stronger.  Once we got upstairs they got me all hooked up and whatnot and checked me.  I was 2 cm and not effaced at all.  What a let down!  The nurse did verify that I had a little bit of blood leaking or something though.  After what felt like forever the nurse came back in and said that Dr. Hannah said, "We were having this baby today!"  I then called my mom who was in transit to NW Arkansas to be here for my scheduled c-section the next day.  She was surprised and a little let down, but I think she handled it pretty well.  The doctor then came in and made sure I was okay with having Clara Thursday instead of Friday, pointing out that it was safer since I was already contracting and bleeding and had had a c-section in the past.  I had gotten past the hardest part of telling my mom that she was going to miss it and so easily agreed to move the c-section up a day. 
The next hour or so went by very slowly.  Dr. Hannah had to do a hysterectomy before he could do my c-section.  When it was finally time, they rolled me to the operating room and had Chris go put on his special clothes.  They put in my spinal which went in easily.  Unfortunately, they now think I need more medicine then the average person because the spinal didn't work as well as it should.  I remember being in pain at the time, but I honestly do not remember the pain now.  In fact later that day I already didn't remember it.  I think even if I could remember it then I would still be able to say it was all worth it!  At 11:39 am my most amazing little girl was born!  As I type this I realize that it is only a few minutes away from that time now.  What a week this has been! 
Once she was cleaned up and wrapped up they brought her to me.  I was still being worked on, but I wasn't even noticing that.  She was beautiful, and perfect, and all ours!  I had often worried during the pregnancy that I wouldn't love her as much as I loved Gray.  I love him so much, there seemed to be no way I could possibly love her that much as well.  I no longer had that fear.  She won her place in my heart from the first moment I saw her, and nothing will ever change that.  After a what felt like not nearly any time they took her to the nursery to weigh her and finish getting her cleaned up and whatnot.  They then finished getting me sewn up and moved me to recovery.  The best part was that they have changed the way they do things and recovery is now on the same floor as surgery and they let Clara and Chris come back to recovery with me!  I was able to nurse her, stare at her, love on her.  After a little while our friend Amy got to the hospital with Gray and so Chris went out there to help keep up with him.  So then it was just me and my precious new baby.  I was so ready to get out of recovery and have all 4 of us together.  Our perfect family.  I have no idea if we will have more children or not, but I can honestly say that either way our family will be perfect. 

1 comment:

  1. That brought tears to my eyes! I can't wait to see her again. I'd love to play with my camera and take some photos of her if you'd let me. :)
