I am also learning that sleep is not really a necessity, but instead a luxury. Clara is finally doing better, but there have been nights where she would wake up every 3rd hour to eat and then take 2 hours to get back to sleep. Gray has also been having a hard time sleeping lately and so I have had been woken up by him during the night as well. I am very proud to say that last night Clara was asleep at 10 something and slept until about 2:30. I then fed her and she went back to sleep by a little after 3. She then slept until 7:30 or so this morning. I fed her and she went back to sleep for a while longer. This is a HUGE improvement over just a couple days ago. I am really hoping we have turned the corner.
I have learned that lunch time may not be until 3pm. Today I woke up for the day at 7 something. I ate a little bit for breakfast and got busy with my day. Time was flying all morning and I was in a made run getting out the door to get Jenny (my sister-in-law) to the airport. We then went straight from the airport to Clara's 1 month doctor appointment. Once there the waiting began. Her appointment was at 11:30 and we didn't even get called back to a room until a good bit after 12. This was very annoying because I had Gray with me and he was acting out and making waiting all that much harder. Of course, he was hungry and tired and that is just not the best combination for good behavior. We left the doctor's office at almost 1 at which point we had to run by Chris's work to pick something up and then drop something off at a friend's house. When we finally made it home I made Gray lunch, fed Clara, got Gray in the bed, and then started finally working on lunch for me. The crazy thing is I was so busy that I really wasn't that hungry.
I am sure that there are many other things I have learned in the last month, but at the moment I am far too tired to think of them.
On a totally unrelated note, I decided that having a toddler and newborn wasn't enough to keep me busy so I have also started my own business. I am now a Tastefully Simple Independent Consultant! I am LOVING this! I had my very first taste-testing party last night and did pretty well with it. I love the products and think that the company is amazing. I actually became a consultant in late October, but was taking things very slowly due to being so late in my pregnancy. Now that Clara is here and getting to be an easier baby all the time I am hoping to really kick this business up a notch! If anyone is interested in hosting a party and earning really really great food that is extremely easy to make please let me know! Also if you are interested in learning about working for a company that is completely debt free and allows you to get paid to party then let me know that as well.
Thanksgiving -
I almost forgot to mention Thanksgiving. Since Clara was born 2 weeks before Thanksgiving we planned to just stay at home for the holiday. My mom starting November 11th. Then on Friday, November 19th my dad, sister, nephew, and 2 nieces came up. On Saturday, we had an early Thanksgiving that my mom mostly cooked. They all then left on Sunday, November 21st. Here are some pictures of all my parents grandchildren.
All the grandchildren |
The girls |
The boys |
With Meme and Pa |
After my side of the family left we had a couple days with no company and then Chris's mom, dad, and brother arrived on the night of Tuesday, November 23rd. They were here until Friday morning so we had a 2nd Thanksgiving on Thanksgiving day with them. This time Bernice did most of the cooking. It is very strange to have 2 Thanksgivings in your home and not do much of the cooking for either of them. At the same time, I was very appreciative that I could take it easy this year.
Clara with her Grandpa |
Clara with her Grandma |
Chris is now home from work and wondering what is for dinner so I guess I should go figure that out :) I will try to go back to my post from when Clara was 1 week old and post pictures with it asap.
Your two little ones are just to cute! Keep up the multitasking mama! : ) and Good Luck on being a Tastefully Simple Independent Consultant:) Hope yall are having a wonderful holiday season!