Thursday, December 15, 2011


Okay so I thought posting about what Gray has been up to was hard, but I am pretty sure catching up the blog on Clara is far harder, but here goes!
She is getting to be less and less of a baby!  She is now 13 months old going on 13 years old.  She started walking a couple weeks before her 1st birthday and now acts as though she was never not able to walk.  She is very much a climber and is basically all around good with things that involvement.  She can say mama, dada, and bye-bye (her favorite),very plainly  She also says booh (book), dah (dog), duh (done), and uh (up).  She may have some more, but that is what I can think of currently.  She also signs milk, water, food, more, dog, and waves bye-bye.  She LOVES books!  She, however, is just now letting me read to her, and not always still.  She has for a while now been able to sit and "read" a book all by herself for a fairly long stretch of time. It is so sweet to see her sitting there with her book turning the pages and pointing at this or that on the page before turning to the next page.  Since I haven't read to her a whole lot (like I said she just started letting me) I think this shows she is very observant to have picked up pointing at stuff on the pages so quickly.  She also has shown her intelligence by really showing us she knows what we are saying. 
Several examples include:
  • I can say let's go to your room and change your diaper and she walks to her room.
  • Tonight I upset her and she said dada (that is what it sounded like through the cries) and I asked if she was going to go tell daddy on me.  She shook her head, climbed out of my lap and walked to Gray's room where Chris was.
  • The other day Chris was trying to work and Clara had gone in there and he told her to go to the play room.  She looked at him with a funny look and then turned and went to the playroom.  
  • Recently she was crying about being hungry and so as I am getting her food together Chris asked her if she was ready to eat and she went and laid down on the floor where he tends to take off her clothes before she eats. 
Sure do wish I could get my almost 3 year old to listen as well as she does :)  She doesn't talk a whole lot, but she sure does seem to understand most everything, including the word, "no."  She often falls on the floor crying when she is told no.  I don't mean when I yell at her I really do mean when I SAY no to her.  It is so funny.

Most of the time people comment on how happy of a little girl she is!  I almost always respond with, "until she isn't."  This is SO true.  She is the happiest little girl EVER until she isn't and then she lets you know about it!

A year of Clara:
January 2011 She looks like she is at an odd angle because she was still wearing her brace

February 2011 Smiling girl!

March 2011 Once she could roll over there was no keeping her on her back

April 2011 Easter weekend

May 2011 6 Months Pics!

July 2011 Standing (while holding on)

August 2011 This girl loves her some food!

September 2011 What a sweet face!

October 2011 She is absolutely loving her early birthday present!

November 2011 Little Bit is 1!

December 2011 Sporting the bow I made her

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