Thursday, December 15, 2011


Gray is the most amazing little boy.  He is extremely intelligent, funny, and so stinkin' cute!  Don't get me wrong he can drive me absolutely bonkers, but I wouldn't trade him for anything.  He is currently in the "why" phase.  Oh MY goodness, am I ready for that phase to be OVER!  I will literally be answering one why and he will look at me and say, "why?"  I am certain he is not the first nor the last child to do this, but WOW....just WOW.

On another note, he has been very busy the last few months.  He has been in Kindermusik on Saturdays since August (I think).  Then he joined Soccertots a month or so ago.  He was going to that on Wednesdays.  Both Kindermusik and Soccertots are currently on Christmas break.  On top of those we are now in 2 different play groups.  The first of which we have been in since June and the second we just joined in November.  Most days we also find time for a little "preschool."  I don't have him in formal preschool, but he wanted me to teach him to read.  HE actually asked me if he could learn to read (whatever book he was holding) all by himself.  So I said I would start teaching him.  We are taking it slowly for the time being.  We do a letter, number, color, shape, and sight word each week.  Then we are also working on phonics.  I bought a book Teach Your child to Read in Just 10 Minutes a Day.  So far I have not gotten into using the book too much, but I have started planning a little how to use it.  Along with our letter for each week Gray learns a bible verse.  I know this is not for everyone, but I love that Gray is learning verses.  He has an amazing memory and I figure it is a good thing to practice using it.  We use this book for the weekly verses.  I also am using a lot from this blog.  I honestly have been struggling with thinking about when Gray is 5.  He just picks up on stuff SO fast and is such a clown that I worry when he goes to school that he will be bored and cut up.  I actually stopped working with him on stuff for a while due to this, but then I thought about it and even if I don't teach him anything he will still spend a lot of time bored.  So I have decided to teach him now since he enjoys learning and cross the school bridge when we get to it.  I have thought about homeschooling and it is still a possibility, but I am trying to just not worry about it for the time being.

Since I haven't been good about posting anything, much less pictures and it IS December here is a year in review of Gray.
January 2011 Painting with Apples
February 2011 Eating some of his 2nd Birthday Cake!

April 2011 Easter Weekend at Aunt Lisa's 
May 2011 Posing for Professional Photos
July 2011 Being Mr. Silly
August 2011 Gray is 2 1/2!
September 2011 Just Chillin'

October 2011 Playing in the water table in OCTOBER

November 2011 Checking out his new scissors

  In less than 1 year's time he has matured SO much!  I love my Booger Bear more than I can ever say!                                                 

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